Friday, January 4, 2013

Bucket List 11-20

11. Create a Stunning Garden Path
This garden walkway is lovely!

12. Make a Beautiful Garden Pond with real fish!

 Easy Tips to Build a Better Backyard Garden Pond

13. Create a Stunning Outdoor Fireplace! Doesn't this just look so cozy and inviting. Can you imagine evenings in the fall, sitting around a stunning fireplace... telling stories and laughing with friends and family? I can. 
 How to build an outdoor stacked stone fireplace

14. Have a beautiful, lush green garden filled with my favorite flowers, fruits and vegetables. It will be magical and glorious and my giving back to the earth. I will recycle, make my own compost... the whole nine. It will be completely organic and natural and wonderful. 

15. Have a fruitful greenhouse big enough to grow enough produce to sustain my family year round. Outdoors in the summer and indoors in the winter. 


16. Successfully sell my handmade goodies on Etsy and make enough money to fund my DIY projects.

 Linen crochet.

17. Have a small group of friends that I can TRULY count on. That TRULY love me and that I actually want to hang out with. Surround myself with people that are encouraging and do not weigh me down.



18.  Have a "knock-em dead" red dress... and look amazing in it.
Monica Dress in Red Ponte de Roma Knit

19. Spend a weekend on the amazing Oregon Coast with my husband. 

Oregon Coast

20. Go to Vulcan.

 I need to go here before I die. Seriously.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Bucket List 1-10

(btw these are in no particular order...)

1. See Bioluminescent sea creatures ... in the ocean.

Japanese Firefly Squid
Japanese Firefly Squid
2. See the Festival des Lumieres in Lyon, France

Festival des Lumieres en Lyon, France
Festial of Lumieres in Lyon France. Expresses Gratitude toward Mary,
mother of Jesus on December 8 every year.
3. Visit Jerusalem


4. See the festival of lanterns in Thailand
Lantern Festival, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Festival of Lanterns Chiang Mai, Thailand

5. Acquire carved Oregon Sunstone on a piece of jewelry

Carved Oregon sunstone

6. Get this Shirt


7. Witness an Oregon Beach Sand Sculpture Contest

Oregon Beach Sand Sculpture contest 2010

8. Get a Dog & to take with me on my great adventures.

Bull Mastiff
Bull Mastiff Puppy. My future pup.

9. Become a Marine Biologist.

Hawaiian marine life
And Study the Octopus

10. Get Fit!
5 Fit Living #Habits and How-To Eat Fit